- Monday, 12/18
- 5:30 Board of Education Meeting in HS Library
- 5:30 (A) Athens – Middle School Boys Basketball
- Tuesday, 12/19
- 5:30 (A) St. Phil – Varsity Girls Basketball
- 6:00 Elementary Christmas Program in HS Gym
- Wednesday, 12/20
- Semester 1 Exams begin – 3rd, 4th and 5th hours
- 5:30 (A) St. Phil – Middle School Boys Basketball
- 6:00 (H) St. Phil – JV/Varsity Boys Basketball
- 6:00 (A) Decatur Tri Meet – Varsity Wrestling
- Thursday, 12/21
- Semester 1 Exams – 1st and 2nd hours
- 1/2 Day of School – 11:00 dismissal
- 6:00 (A) Constantine – JV/Varsity Boys Basketball
- 6:00 (H) Constantine – JV/Varsity Girls Basketball
- Friday, 12/22
- Semester 1 Exams – 6th and 7th hours
- 1/2 Day of School – 11:00 dismissal
Looking Ahead
- 12/25-1/5 Winter Break
- 1/8 School Resumes