
  1. Regular attendance is expected of all students and is a necessary factor in achieving success. Work missed can never be made up in a completely satisfactory manner because the value of class activities is missed forever.
  2. Absences are excusable for illness, recovery from an accident, required court attendance, professional appointments, death in the immediate family, observation or celebration of a bona fide religious holiday, and such other good cause as may be acceptable to the Principal.
  3. Absence for such reasons as camping, vacations, non-school activities, or visiting is discouraged. Late night activities that cause a student to be tardy or absent the following day are also discouraged.
  4. We also discourage scheduling of dentist or doctor appointments during school hours.

Tardy Policy

All children who arrive to the classroom after the doors have closed at 8:00 must stop in the office to sign in. A child not in the classroom at 9:30 AM is considered tardy. Students arriving late to school must report to the main office with a parent and be signed in.

Call-In Procedures for Absences

Parents are requested to call the school by 9:00 AM on each day a student is absent from school.

In the event that phone contact was not made by home or school, parents are requested to send a signed and dated school note on the day the child returns to school explaining the reason for the absence.

Early Dismissal

If a student is being dismissed early, parents must come to the front office. One of our staff members will call your child’s classroom and your child will meet you in the main office. Please sign your child out before leaving the building.

Changing Dismissal Routine

If your child’s normal dismissal routine is to be altered on a particular day, please call the office or send a ‘school note’ to the classroom teacher describing the change and who will meet your child at school, if someone is to do so. If a child does not have a note and we can not contact the parent, the child will be dismissed following the normal dismissal routine.

Questions regarding Mendon Elementary School:
Please contact the Elementary School Main Office at 269-496-2175 or email soatley@mendonschools.org.

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