Effective April 1, 1996, Public Act 160 and Public Act 258 of 2000 created the Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Act, commonly referred to as Dual Enrollment. This law directs school districts to assist students in paying tuition and fees for courses at Michigan public or private colleges or universities. The following are some of the eligibility guidelines/standards:

1. Students in grades 9 through 12 may take up to ten post-secondary courses. (9th and 10th grade students may take up to 2 courses per year.)
2. Students can qualify for Dual Enrollment by taking one of the following assessments: PSAT, PLAN, ACT or MME. The following table shows the complete list of scores that help to qualify students for Dual Enrollment:

A. PLAN Assessment
1. Mathematics 18
2. Reading 17
3. Science 21
4. English 21

B. ACT Assessment

1. Mathematics 22
2. Reading 21
3. Science 24
4. English 18

C. PSAT Assessment

1. Critical Reading 42
2. Writing Skills 41
3. Math 44


1 or 2 proficiency in all areas

3. 388.155 Rule 5 (2) The acts do not prohibit a district from supporting any pupil regardless of eligibility under these acts. A district may elect to support college level courses or career preparation courses for any pupil if it is in the best interest of the pupil.

4. Students must be enrolled in both eligible school (public or private) and eligible post-secondary institution during the local school’s regular academic year and must be enrolled in at least one high school class.

5. The college courses must not be offered by the district and cannot be a hobby, craft or recreation course or in the subject areas of physical education, theology, divinity or religious education.

6. School districts are required to pay an amount equal to the prorated percentage of the statewide pupil-weighted average foundation allowance, based on the proportion of the school year that the eligible student attends the eligible post-secondary institution. (This is about $500 per course) Eligible charges include tuition and mandatory course fees, material fees and registration fees required by an eligible institution for enrollment in the course. Eligible charges do not include transportation or parking costs or activity fees.

7. Please be advised that if you drop a class after the 100% drop date or you do not pass the course, you will have to re-pay Mendon Community Schools the cost of the tuition.

8. You must provide your own transportation.

9. You will be required to attend Glen Oaks Community College classes according to their calendar. In the Spring, you will be required to attend classes during Mendon Community Schools’ Spring Break.

If you believe you are eligible for Dual Enrollment and you wish to participate, please contact the school and ask for Mrs. Hagenbuch, at 269-496-9944.

Questions regarding Mendon Middle or High School:
Please contact the Middle High School Main Office at 269-496-8491 or email tgriffith@mendonschools.org.

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