Handbook Highlights  

1. Cell Phone Policy- Cell phone usage in classrooms is at the sole discretion of the classroom teacher. Cell phones may be used before school, after school, or in the cafeteria during lunch as long as students follow the acceptable use policy and cell phone guidelines.  For the complete policy, please see the cell phone section in the student handbook.

2. Attendance Policy Update – Please be sure to excuse students within 2 days of an absence by note, phone call, or when in the office.  For more details on the Attendance Policy, please click the link above to the handbook and reference the section outlining attendance.

3. Unexcused Absences – Please send a note or call the school to excuse student absences as soon as possible.  Unexcused absences can be considered skipping school and result in some in school suspension time being assigned.

4. Athletic Attendance Participation Policy – Athletes absent, excluding pre-arranged absences or emergency illness, on the day of a scheduled game or practice are ineligible to play in that game or participate in practice. Students must be present in school all day during the day of an athletic contest or practice in order to be considered eligible to participate in that activity. A phone call or note from parent(s) prior to the appointment and prior to the day of absence is needed.

5. Unauthorized Access to the Building/Pranks – Students are reminded that any unauthorized access to the building can be considered trespassing. Any unauthorized use or trespassing shall be subject to disciplinary action including detention, suspension or expulsion with the possible notification of authorities. Any students involved in pranks, destruction of school property, vandalism, or behavior detrimental to facilities or grounds are subject to suspension or expulsion with notification of authorities. Seniors participating in behavior detrimental to school facilities or environment may also jeopardize participation in Prom and/or the Graduation Ceremony. Students are also reminded that pulling on locked doors for the purpose of gaining access to facilities is considered unauthorized access and will be subject to detention or suspension. If damage occurs students will be held accountable for the cost of repairs.

Questions regarding Mendon Middle or High School:
Please contact the Middle High School Main Office at 269-496-8491 or email tgriffith@mendonschools.org.

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