Progression of Graduation Requirements

  • English 4 credits (English 9, English 10, English 11, English 12 or Dual Enrollment ELA credit(s))
  • Social Studies 3 credits (American History, World History, Government/Economics)
  • Science* 3 credits (Physical Science, Biology and Chemistry OR Conceptual Physics)
  • Math* 4 credits (all students must have a Math credit in their final year)
  • Physical Education ½ credit
  • World Language 2 credits (1 credit may be completed prior to HS)
  • Health ½ credit
  • Life Management 1 credit (Career Prep)
  • Art/Fine Arts* 1 credit
  • Elective Credits 7 credits

*Certain Career-Technical Education (CTE) classes may be counted toward this requirement.

Students are required to complete the following:

  1. Educational Development Plan
  2. Resume/Portfolio
  3. Community Service
  4. Sophomore Interview
  5. Senior Interview
  6. 28 hours of Community Service

State of Michigan Personal Curriculum Options

A Personal Curriculum modifies specific credit requirements and/or content expectations based on the individual learning needs of a student. It is designed to serve students who want to accelerate or go beyond the MMC requirements and students who need to individualize learning requirements to meet the MMC requirements. The personal curriculum option allows the board of a school district or public school academy to award a regular high school diploma provided the student completes the requirements of the PC, including as many of the content expectations of the MMC as practicable.

Providing Flexibility A PC allows several flexible learning options, including:

  • For any student, earning additional credit in specific subject areas and counting these credits toward meeting the state requirements.
  • For students challenged with meeting Algebra II expectations, adjusting mathematics requirements.
  • For students with an IEP, modifications to the MMC may be allowed as necessary to demonstrate proficiency.
  • For students transferring to a district from out of state or from a nonpublic school, modifications of requirements are allowed under limited conditions.

While every request to modify a student’s graduation requirements should be considered, the school district or public school academy may deny a personal curriculum request if:

  • The request does not comply with state statute.
  • Other options for meeting the student’s educational needs have not been documented.
  • It is not in the best interest of the student.
  • The members of the PC development team cannot reach agreement.

A parent, legal guardian, emancipated student, or school personnel may request a PC at any time. The state statute includes restrictions on when the mathematics and social studies requirements may be implemented as described in the “Allowable Modifications” section.

*For more information on Personal Curriculums, please visit

Students must complete all credit requirements and take care of all obligations before they will be allowed to take part in graduation ceremonies.

Student Academic Grade Criteria

  1. To be considered a sophomore, a student must have at least 6 credits at the beginning of the school year.
  2. To be considered a junior, a student must have at least 12 credits at the beginning of the school year.
  3. To be considered a senior, a student must have at least 18 credits at the beginning of the school year.

Grade Promotion for Middle School

In order for a student to be automatically promoted from one middle school grade to the next, he/she must pass at least 10 semester classes, 6 of which must be core classes. Students who pass 7, 8, or 9 semester classes may be held back. Those who pass 6 or fewer semester classes may not be recommended to the next grade and may repeat the previous year.

Questions regarding Mendon Middle or High School:
Please contact the Middle High School Main Office at 269-496-8491 or email

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